Hello Nigel,

is this of any help ?

       Using  kbdrate  without  any options will reset the repeat rate to 10.9
       characters per second (cps) and the delay to 250 milliseconds (ms)  for
       Intel-  and  M68K-based systems.  These are the IBM defaults. On SPARC-
       based systems it will reset the repeat rate to 5 cps and the delay  to
       200 ms.

from man kbdrate. In X there is an equivalent with xset.


On Mon, May 23, 2005 at 06:30:28PM +0200, Nigel wrote:
> Hi, whoever.
> I have searched the various forums (hours of work) but I cannot find an
> answer to the following question.
> Where in the OSS Unix/Linux is the control of switch debounce for input
> devices.
> Reason:
> during install of a couple of versions of Linux, Debian based or not, I've
> discovered that neither the keyboard nor the mouse react in a determined
> fashion.
> It is possible, whether working with graphical screen and mouse or text and
> keyboard, to skip entire pages.
> The last package I tried, Ubuntu, caused me to comment on the lack of an
> alternative language during install. The second install, after the system
> crashed irretrievably, revealed that installing two languages is possible.
> Apart from the initial question, is it not therefore possible that many
> install problems are caused by skipped pages?
> Regards, Nigel Creevy
> Ahlerstedt, Germany.
> -- 
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* Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme
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