Apparently, _H. S._, on 21/04/05 00:04,typed:
> Hi,
> On a newly installed Debian Sid on an Inspiron 5160, I notice that grub
> always boots from the first entry even though I have "default saved" in
> the menu.lst file and all the stanzas have the savedefault keywork in
> them. Am I missing something here? If this is supposed to work, I can
> post the complete menu.lst file to ask for other's advice on what could
> be wrong in the file. The file has been automatically generated and I
> have changed only the "timeout" and "default"  option.
> thanks,
> ->HS

The problem was the dummy "Other operating Systems" entry in menu.lst. I
guess this entry is made by the Debian installer to provide options to
boot into other OSs detected during installation. If I comment out this
entry, then "default=saved" works perfectly. If that dummy entry is
retained, then "default=saved" doesn't work at all.

Should I be filing a bug report for this?

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