Hi Icebiker

On Tue, Jan 04, 2005 at 09:27:46AM -0500, Icebiker wrote:

> Don't know how you figure out the MTU setting for your ethernet controller 
> under Linux, but maybe you could try experimenting with the MTU setting on 
> the router to see if that improves things. MTU is set on the WAN setup page 
> (got a DI 604 too, wonderful little box).

tried different settings without any luck. I used ping with switches -s
and -M to find out about when packages were fragmented - but with the
default value of MTU (1500) on the router there was no fragmentation.

So the problem persists :-(

> /icebiker


Karsten Bolding                    Bolding & Burchard Hydrodynamics
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