* Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com> [05-01-04 06:36]:
> Sure, but reverse-search-history is probably what you want:
>    C-r<string>
> ...recalls the most recently occuring line matching <string>.
> Repeating the C-r (that's <ctrl>-r BTW) finds the next prior match.

Well, I got a problem with that:

Let's assume I search for 'cdrecord'. I find several entries in
history, but not the one I was searching for. So I do a C-a C-k or a
C-u to get an empty prompt again. But now, I am somewhere in the
middle of the history. Is there a possibility to jump to the end of
history again? Let me clearify this a bit:

cdrecord --bla
cdrecord --bla

I do 
$ C-r cdrecord
$ C-r

I now have:
$ cdrecord --bla

I do
$ C-a C-k
$ C-u

When I now use arrow up to go back one entry in history I get "hist2".
But I want "hist5" :(

Dani Belz                                        http://dan-b.net
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