on Mon, 03 Jan 2005 04:50:51PM -0600, Jacob S insinuated:
> On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 17:39:31 -0500
> Nori Heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hey all,
> > 
> > after upgrading to gaim version 1.1.0, i can no longer resize the
> > gaim buddy window horizontally to smaller than 216px.  i tried
> > downgrading to version 1.0.2, but the problem persists.  has
> > anyone else seen something like this?  did i somehow remove a
> > package that allows me to resize gtk windows horizontally?  it
> > seems unlikely, since i can still resize the IM windows to as
> > small as i want.
> > 
> > if no one else has seen this, i'll file a bug on gaim.  i'm not
> > positive it's not just me, though ...
> Are you not able to resize it at all horizontally, or just smaller
> than a certain width? 

i can resize it horizontally, but just not smaller than 216 pixels
(said that in the body, but not in the misleading subject line -- my

> If it's the latter, I've noticed this since at least 1.0. 

yeah, come to think of it, i see this on my home computer, too, which
is running 1.0.0.

> I just assumed they used a gtk variable to keep it from being
> downsized past a certain size. 

yeah, but why?!  i HATE that kind of thing.

> It seems to closely correlate to the width of usernames on my buddy
> list + their buddy icons + the protocol icon (aim, jabber, etc.).

hm, has nothing to do with the width for me ... the window goes an
easy 50px beyond the last character of a person's name.  maybe idle
times have something to do with it?

> Unfortunately I don't know a way to work around it, though there are
> times I would like it smaller (I have two gaim buddy lists open on
> my desktop at all times... for a combined total of at least 4
> usernames).
> HTH & HAND, 
> Jacob

yeah, thanks.  i'll file a bug with 'em.


    .~.      nori @ sccs.swarthmore.edu
    /V\  http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/~nori
   // \\          @ maenad.net
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