On Mon, 2005-01-03 at 05:36 -0500, Carl Fink wrote: > On Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 12:48:11AM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote: > > On Monday 03 January 2005 12:03 am, Rich Rudnick wrote: > > > > > Poets aren't always stupid, but they do fall within Sturgeon's Law: > > > 80% of everything is [crap]. > > > > Including your recollection of Sturgeon's Law. It's 90%. 8:o) > > And yours. Sturgeon actually said that 90% of everything is crud. (I have > this from Damon Knight, who was in the room when he said it.) > -- > Carl Fink [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Jabootu's Minister of Proofreading > http://www.jabootu.com > Appropriate signature, and mea culpa. ;> Since Sturgeon's law does apply to everything, that must mean that 80^W90 percent of my recollections is crap^H^Hud too. My only defense for not catching that particular piece of crud is that I was still celebrating Seattle's new banner!
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