I installed mondo/mindi on my work server recently (Woody). I tested it out on an almost identical system at home first and didn't have too many problems - managed to backup and restore a running system with no problems. I've used the stock standard "stable" packages - mondo_1.41.1-1_i386.deb and mindi_0.58.r5-1woody1_i386.deb. Everything is fine until it runs mkisofs to make the CD image. I see that others have problems with this, but haven't seen a fix. Is it something to do with the mindi-data/mindi-boot filenames being too long??
Can anybody help?
Here is my command line (similar result when scratch/temp files not specified):
mondoarchive -O -i -d /tmp/backup.iso -l LILO -f /dev/hda -S /var/tmp/mondo-scratch -k FAILSAFE -T /var/tmp/mondo-temp -E "/home /mnt"
Here is the relevant part of the log:
Fork is closing tape/CD ...
Writing the final ISO
OK, time to make CD #1
OK, you're telling me this is the last CD. Fair enough.
make_iso_fs --- scratchdir=/var/tmp/mondo-scratch/mondo.scratch.1679/mondo.scratch.28754 --- destfile=/tmp/backup.iso//1.iso
Running mkisofs to make CD #1
Running mkisofs to make CD #1
Running mkisofs to make CD #1
echo hi > /tmp/mondo.XXmu9Tx1 ; mkisofs -b images/mindi-boot.2880.img -c boot.cat -o /tmp/backup.iso//1.iso -J -r -p MondoRescue -P www.microwerks.net/~hugo/ -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL -V 1 . 2> /var/tmp/mondo-temp/tmp.mondo.31563/tmp.mondo.253/stderr.txt; res=$?; rm -f /tmp/mondo.XXmu9Tx1; exit $res
Using MINDI000.IMG;1 for ./images/mindi-data-3.img (mindi-data-2.img)
Using MINDI001.IMG;1 for ./images/mindi-data-2.img (mindi-data-1.img)
Using MINDI002.IMG;1 for ./images/mindi-boot.1722.img (mindi-boot.2880.img)
mkisofs: No such file or directory. Unable to open disc image file
Call to mkisofs to make ISO (CD #1) ...failed
WARNING - make_iso_fs returned an error
Was there such a file?
Anyway, this: http://www.sorcerer.mirrors.pair.com/sources/mindi/ and mondo has other levels. I use mondo 1.67 and mindo 0.87 with a mindi-kernel with great success. So I tend not to change levels until my system hardware changes and that level no longer supports it.
Mondo/mindo is very easy to install from scratch. I used to have trouble with busybox and vi not being there, until I changed the dependencies to put in nano and now it always works. Backup the current Sarge partition to CD and my datafiles to 2 CD's.
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