On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 17:02:16 GMT, Miquel van Smoorenburg writes: >> So to me it seems like "signal(SIGSTOP, SIG_IGN);" either isn't >> honored, and killall5 itself killed, or else it kills something else >> essential, but what could that be?
>No, kill(-1, SIGWHATEVER) is guaranteed to kill all processes >/except/ the caller. "man 2 kill" on any unix/linux box. What kernel >are you using, this might be a kernel bug. Is this an i386 or >another architecture ? 2.4.27, from kernel-image-2.4.27-1-386, i386 arch, straight Sarge from d-i RC2, `apt-get upgrade` up-to-date as of now. >(You're not running bootlogd somehow at shutdown time are you ?) Nope, only klogd is still running (I've put an `ps ax | grep log` right before the first killall5 call into sendsigs). >> Plus, I've discovered 3 other boxen, various DL360/380, with the same >> problem. Isn't there anyone else with Compaq/HP gear and this problem? >I doubt it is compaq specific, but there must be something else >out of the ordinary here or everybody would have this problem. If only I had any idea on what it could be :( I've put more info (`dpkg -l`, `ps auxwww`, cpuinfo, meminfo, lsmod) at http://www.waldner.priv.at/temp/machine.txt (it'd make for one long email otherwise). cheers, &r<grateful for *any* hint>w -- / Ing. Robert Waldner | Security Engineer | CoreTec IT-Security \ \ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | T +43 1 503 72 73 | F +43 1 503 72 73 x99 /
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