On Mon, 2004-12-27 at 00:54 -0800, saravanan ganapathy wrote:
> Refer the url for more details
> http://linux.math.tifr.res.in/doc/securing-debian-howto/ch3.en.html

From rom the quoted page:
        So, without Perl and, unless you remake these utilities in shell
        script, you will probably not be able to manage any packages (so
        you will not be able to upgrade the system, which is not a Good
        If you are determined to remove Perl from the Debian base
        system, and you have spare time, submit bug reports to the
        previous packages including (as a patch) replacements for the
        utilities above written in shell script.

You won't be able to update or upgrade the system for Security updates
if you do. This is NOT a good thing.

It explains how it is doable. But that warning is not to be ignored. You
yourself should already know this.

Also, as others have said, it is quite trivial to get things from the
Internet, if connected to it.

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