> Hey when i start running a inn server, i get the following msg "innd
> dead but subsys locked" i tried deleting the thread daemon from the
> subsys folder and runnning it again but the same msg comes, how am i 2
> proceed?

Run "/usr/lib/news/bin/inncheck" as root and see what it says.
If favorable, run "/usr/lib/news/bin/news.daily" as news 3 times.
Very important to run the latter as the "news" user and not as
root. It will email the results, find it and read it.

PS. It seems Debian sets owner to root and inncheck will complain.
Read the output very closely, yet don't take it verbatum. Most likely
your problem is in /etc/news/newsfeeds. Restart the news server after
making any changes. "ps ax|grep innd" should show it running.

PPS. Your messages to this list contain control characters and bad
punctuation -- do not edit config files with Windows, and make no typos.
That may also be a problem. INN has no sense of humor. ;-)

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