On Monday, 20.12.2004 at 06:25 -0800, Marc Wilson wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 20, 2004 at 12:24:31PM +0100, Bob Alexander wrote:
> > using tcpdump I see that Intranet queries are resolved on my
> > localhost by the installed dnsmasq daemon (e.g. w3.ibm.com) while
> > external sites (e.g. www.apple.com) are always sent to the first
> > upstream DNS each time.
> Uh, yeah... that's what dnsmasq is SUPPOSED to do.  If what you ask
> for isn't in the /etc/hosts file on the machine the daemon runs on, it
> kinda HAS to forward it upstream.
> What did you expect it to do?

No, that's incorrect.

dnsmasq is also a DNS cache, which means that it should not have to go
upstream for the same request more than once (at least until the TTL
expires or whatever).

Bob mailed me privately to indicate that his problem has probably gone

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