El Sun, Dec 19, 2004 at 10:08:25PM -0500 Ben Bettin ha dit:

> Does anyone know of a good Password Manager that can be run in the
> console?  I know there are many GUI ones, but I need to run this
> remotely via ssh so I need a console one.
> I read about PMS (http://passwordms.sourceforge.net/) in this month's
> Linux Journal, but it doesn't appear to have any official debian
> packages (at least not in my sources.list).  PMS appears to be quite
> old; last release was in 2002 according to the download section of the
> website.  I figured there may already be an alternative in Debian
> whose name I just don't know.

i searched one for years, and finally find it: have a look at kedpm
(http://kedpm.sourceforge.net/), it's written in python and has a cli
and gui. http://sindominio.net/~matze/debian/kedpm_0.4.0-1_all.deb is
a debian package for testing


p.s.: any debian developer willing to sponsor this package?

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