On Tue, Dec 14, 2004 at 07:29:22PM -0500, Tong wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 16:48:34 -0500, Tong wrote:
> > I remember that my previous distro can distinguish symbolic links as good
> > or bad: good links are show as normal link color whereas bad links are
> > shown as red. 
> > 


> Ok, let's take a look at an example:
> touch a
> ln -s a l1
> ln -s no l2
> rm no
> ls --color=auto
> Do l1 and l2 show up in same color? 
> In my Debian, they are, but in my RH, l2 show up red.

Have you tried doing a eval `dircolors -b` before the ls command?  This
defines the LC_COLORS variable that is used to decide what colours are
used.  You can get pretty colours for all sorts of things if you want to play
about with dircolors but by default broken links are in red, and
common image file extension in magenta etc.

IIRC it was already in the bashrc file - it just needed uncommenting.

 .''`.  Jason Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
: :'  : Registered linux user #271693 
`. `'`  
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