On Thursday 09 December 2004 7:05 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm using Sarge and just added an unstable reference to my 
> sources.list which upgraded all my packages recently. So maybe I 
> should considere I'm running a Sid (?). I just turned to Debian after 
> a Redhat / Mandrake short initiation.  
> Anyway, I'm a bit desapointed that I don't have all these nice colors 
> available with "ls" or in a Emacs Java mode, for example, whereas the 
> ugly orange and green dressing of Aptitude just works fine. It would 
> make my links sessions easier as well !   

They are available, you need to turn them on.  ls --color=auto, emacs 
has syntax highlighting, etc.

> Any idea where to configure this ?

RTFM or get more specific.

Paul Johnson

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