On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 02:21:28PM +1100, Ivan Teliatnikov wrote:
> I have difficulties installing a package on a Debian Sarge machine. The
> problem is rather strange, installation fails when I run apt-get
> remotely over ssh and works fine when I work on the console. 

If I understand correctly, you are running it over ssh *both*
times. When you log in manually it works and when you login with a
script it doesn't work, right?

> If I login to a remove host using ssh and run command 
> apt-get install fam
> everything works perfectly.

Did you start ssh as root or as normal user?

On the remote maching, are you logged in as root or as normal user?

> Problem can be recreate by following steps:
> 1) Make a bash script install_fam.sh
> #!/bin/bash
> ssh $1 "apt-get install fam"

Did you start this script as root or as normal user?

On the remote maching, are you logged in as root or as normal user?

> There is obviously a bug somewhere but it is not obvious to me where to
> report it, is this is this a problem with fam or openssh? 
> What do I need to do to report this bug.

If it's a bug, use the `reportbug' program (package reportbug). It
guides you through all the steps you should take.

Maybe this is already resolved or other people concluded that there
isn't a bug. Visit bugs.debian.org to look for it or use the handy
`querybts' program - Query Bug Tracking System. That is also part of
package reportbug and is also started as part of a reporting session
by reportbug. Then try:

querybts openssh


querybts fam


Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [Dutch/Nederlands] 
Public GnuPG key: keyserver.net ID 0x1735C5C2
"Let your advance worrying become advance thinking and planning."
 - Winston Churchill

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