An old notebook would be excellent for that purpose. I have an old HP
C800 that I got for $150 that's perfect.

On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 10:07:03AM -0600, Eric van der Paardt wrote:
> I've got an old IBM POS that I scavenged from a junk heap, sadly there
> is not linux support for its touchscreen (that I have been able to find)
> as I always thought it would make a great dumb terminal (10" LCD, 486
> 100Mhz, built in LAN).
> I also have an ELO LCD touchscreen (, it does work fine in
> X with their (X) linux driver (you just configure an extra mouse).  It
> takes a serial port and is a rather nice display. I maybe mistaken, but
> I believe only the serial version of this monitor is supported by linux.
> I am currently using it attached to my dual xeon linux server, but
> because of it is really just a fancy monitor I guess it doesn't really
> fit your needs.
> >From my experience all of the POS machines out there are just standard
> PC's with a bunch of extra serial ports...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Scotty Fitzgerald
> Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 8:57 AM
> Subject: Nightstand Terminal
> I would like to experiment with making a small terminal that
> would fit on my nightstand.  I think those little POS 10.2" 
> monitors you see at the checkout lines in supermarkets are a
> possibility.  Does anybody have experience with this sort of
> thing?
> ---
> Scotty


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