On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

> Reinstalled Woody several times due to faulty system or setup.  Last time
> appeared successful but included Linux Old besides Linux on startup and
> Vmlinus.old on root directory.  First time this happened.  Can anyone
> explain and is it safe to rm(delete) Vmlinuz.old from root?  This occurred

it is safe to remove any kernel that is NOT referenced(Used) in your
/etc/lilo.conf or /boot/grub/menu.lst file

if you keep a minimal sized / partition, it's probably good to get
rid of the clutter ( unused kernels ) and also remove ( rm -rf
/lib/modules/<old-kernel> )

before removing "what you think is unused kernels", make sure you can
boot with other media ( cd, floppy, .. )

c ya

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