On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 09:38:00AM +0000, john gennard wrote:
> The man and info pages do not appear to help (perhaps
> because I don't fully understand them). I don't want to
> risk making everything unbootable by experimenting, so
> can anyone please explain how I can safely put Sarge
> back as default?

Maybe someone has already mentioned this, but I didn't see it in my
quick scan of responses...

- Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst.
- Find the line starting with "default".  It should have a number
  indicating which entry is booted by default (usually this is "0"
  implying the first entry).
- Run "grep ^title /boot/grub/menu.lst".  Counting from zero,
  determine the order in which your desired entry comes.  You could
  equivalently determine this by looking through menu.lst "by hand".
- Modify the "default" line accordingly (if your desired entry is 3rd,
  set "default" to "2").
- Have a Knoppix CD handy (in case you screw anything up).
- Reboot (to see the effect of your change).


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