On Fri, 2004-12-03 at 10:56 +0000, Dudley Cooke wrote:
> Since doing
> apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
> this morning my display has been ugly with horizontal streaks in X and
> console (curses programmes where there are blocks of colour).  I'd like
> to fix the problem or file a bug report, but don't really know how to
> identify the cause of the problem.  Can someone point me in the right
> direction please?

Woody, Sarge, Sid, a combination of all or some?

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

"I have created a government of whirled peas..."
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 12-May-2002, CNN, Larry King Live

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