Hello all,

I need a pdf-printer: I have tried with the cups-pdf package, following the 
installation steps from (http://transtronics.com/reference/print2pdf.htm). 
Anyway, if anyone knows another package to get my objectives, I would 
appreciate any help.

After completing all the steps in the link before, I have tried to print a 
plain-text file in this pdf-printer with lp:
        lp -d pdf_writer_printer -t result.pdf plain_text_file

A pdf file is created (although it doesnīt take the name I wanted (result.pdf), 
it takes the name "job_number-untitled_document.pdf"). Anyway, the created pdf 
file is always empty (its size is always 321 bytes). I have been looking the 
logs, and found that there is an error of ESP Ghostscript:

D [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] [Job 9] stdin: is not a tty

D [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] [Job 9] ESP Ghostscript 7.07.1: Unrecoverable 
error, exit code 1

At the end you will find all the error stack (/var/log/cups/error_log).

I donīt know if the error is because I am using lp in an incorrect way, or my 
cups-pdf configuration is incorrect...

Any ideas?

Here you have the stack of the errors: (/var/log/cups/error_log)

D [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] StartJob: backend = 

D [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ -1 10 ]

D [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf", 
0xbfff00e0, 0xbffef450, 9, 10, 8)

I [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf 
(PID 30030) for job 9.

d [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] StartJob: Adding fd 7 to InputSet...

d [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] add_job_state_reasons(0x402f4008[5], 9)

D [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0

d [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] ProcessIPPRequest: Adding fd 5 to 

d [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] WriteClient: Removing fd 5 from OutputSet...

d [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] ReadClient: 5, used=0, file=-1

d [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] ReadClient: httpGets returned EOF...
D [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] CloseClient: 5

d [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] CloseClient: Removing fd 5 from InputSet and 

D [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] [Job 9] stdin: is not a tty

D [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] [Job 9] ESP Ghostscript 7.07.1: Unrecoverable 
error, exit code 1

d [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] PID 30030 exited with no errors.

D [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] UpdateJob: job 9, file 0 is complete.

d [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] UpdateJob: Removing fd 7 from InputSet...

D [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] CancelJob: id = 9

D [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] StopJob: id = 9, force = 0

D [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] StopJob: printer state is 3

d [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] StopJob: Freeing status buffer...

d [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] SaveJob: Closing file 5...

d [29/Nov/2004:17:41:34 +0100] SaveJob: Closing file 5...

d [29/Nov/2004:17:41:35 +0100] select_timeout: 31 seconds to send browse 


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