Yesterday I received 4 CD's of Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 "Woody" for i386. Enthousiatically I started to install.
I am an experienced Windows XP user and (at home) I have a notebook PC (Celeron II, 667 MHz).
Partitioning was no problem. I even used a second terminal (Ctrl + Alt + F2) to initialize an ext3-filesystem. I made a boot floppy and rebooted the system. Before I told the system to boot from harddisk using the SHIFT-key. This didn't wordk. The system started windows and got trouble (endless restarts). I fixed the windows-system by using F8 and went into the safe mode. This solved (luckily) my windows-problem. In stead of the SHIFT-key I had to use F8 . Now I could boot the debian-system. But problems just started (and I have reinstalled many times and tried different approaches)!
1. Configuring PCMIA: I entered this list, marked the entry, but the system didn't react on pressing any key (in windows one would say it hanged. I found de Ctrl Alt Delete the only way out. So I skipped this part in the next installation..
2. My network-interface card was not recognized. Trying to choose the Realtek RTL8139 from a list didn't help. I was asked for options, but I don't know what is needed. (I have a Sweex 32 bit; compatible to Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC.
3. I skipped this. So I could not install my adsl-modem (perhaps I get problems at that stage too). I had to give a hostname.
4. Now the system collects a installation list from the 3 CD's. and for simplicity, I ordered to install X-windows and the other standard items.
5. During installing the system tell me it has a problem which is due to kernel . I have to remove the line '*(.text.exit)' in 'DISCARD' from arch/i386/ How I do this is a riddle and at this stage impossible.
6. Than I have to configure the locales and make a choice. But this list hangs the system too (no reaction on any key) .. Ctrl Alt Delete was the only way out..
7. So I am in endless loop and can not get to the next problem (of course I don't really hope this will be the case).
8 I tried the standard flavor and vanilla. It did not help.

Who can help me to proceed or do I have bad CD's?

Jaap de Vos

PS: mainboard Kapok Intel 440BX/ZX, chipset 82440BX/ZX, SDRAM 128 MB (systemsoft).; 1 harddisk (IDE).
During installing the system did not recognize the USB 1.1 port and the external harddisk attached to the port.. Is this normal?

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