On Tue 30 November 2004 01:21, Steve Lamb wrote:
>  Right now, for example, I
> am trying to use Kopete after getting used to Trillian on the Win2k
> side of life.  I don't like how I have to hit CNTL-Enter instead of
> just enter to send the message.
You can change this in Settings | Configure Shortcuts --> Send Single 
Message. I also believe this has been changed to just Enter in CVS but 
I can't seem to find a reference for that.

> Don't like the odd fonts.  Going 
> through the options forewards and backwards doesn't give me any way
> to change the send behavior nor any decent font sets to choose from. 
> :(

I assume you're referring to the fonts in the message history pane? Ya, 
they "weirded out" on me one day and I have no idea how to get the old 
ones back. To me, they're too large now.

David P James
Ottawa, Ontario
ICQ: #42891899, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Noone isn't no one

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