On Tue, 2004-11-30 at 10:47 +0100, Mauro Darida wrote:
> hello debianers,
> I have always been wondering what is the difference between a fresh
> kernel from linus and a debian kernel; I have always been using the
> first one, maybe I have always been wrong?? No visible side effects
> here, though...

The only difference is that the Debian version of the kernel is
pre-compiled for you and has some optional patches already applied. The
bulk of the code is still the same as a regular Linux kernel though.
You're free to continue using the stock kernels and you'll have no
problems with it. The Debian kernels are just there for convenience. On
my work PC, for example, I don't have the time to recompile and
reconfigure a kernel once every month or two. At home, since I do have
the time, I build from source. (Though I use the kernel-source Debian
packages since I have a local Debian mirror at home.)

> Saluti, Mauro.
> --
> On this laptop no Windows system survives and LINUX POWER reigns UNLIMITED.
> GnuPG key ID: 28A61681

You should put your signature after "-- ", not "--". That's two "-" PLUS
a space. That way most modern mail clients will automatically remove
your signature when they quote your message so that we don't have to. :)

Alex Malinovich
Support Free Software, delete your Windows partition TODAY!
Encrypted mail preferred. You can get my public key from any of the
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