On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 11:38:15AM +1100, Rob Weir wrote:
Thanks, I'll check out nvidia-...-src.  I was using Mozilla for the
downloads and checked tar -xvf file.tar without success (Note: tar xvzf
NVIDIA-kernel-1.0.3123.tar.gz worked perfectly, only GLX failed.)  But I got the
complete GLX file by following Jeremy's suggestion and the display is
working fine though, as I have just reported in posted in a help request, it doesn't 
load at bootup.  

> On Sun, Nov 10, 2002 at 08:57:12AM -0500, Thomas H. George,,, wrote:
> > I remebered earlier posting to the effect that it was necessary to get 
> > the drivers for Gefore4  form nvidia so I downloaded 
> > NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-3123.tar.gz and NVIDIA_kernel-1.0.3123.tar.gz and ran tar 
> > xvzf on each of them.  Unpacking GLX failed with the message that gzip 
> > had encountered an unexpected end-of-file.  I repeated the download and 
> > tried again with the same result.  I repeated the download with an 
> > earlier posting of these files and tried again with the same result.
> You're using Netscape?  It silently decompresses files without changing
> the extension.  'tar -xvf file.tar' should work.
> Also, have you had a look at nvidia-kernel-src and nvidia-glx-src?  They
> automate most of the stuff required to get the NVidia drivers working.
> -rob

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