I've used Icepack, my personal favorite, unfortunately the distro is
extremely dormant :(.  I liked it because it was simple, and technically
my first real linux distro experience! 
I've used Mandrake, for 10 minutes.  Then I decided I didn't like it and
moved onto . . .
Debian-woody, then Debian-sarge.  Didn't understand it at first, but I
liked the stability, usability and simplicity.
<flame>Intimidated, I switched to Fedora Core 2, which was the worst
mistake I had ever made.  Fedora sucks, it's extremely unstable, crashed
several times on me, was very confusing to configure, the firewall was
awful, and the GUI!  Gag!  Yuck!  Gross!  I hated that Red Hat! </flame>
My biggest decision-maker was this:  I'm a recording artist, and I
needed the low-latency patched 2.4 kernel, because 2.6 just wasn't going
to cut it.  I needed a distro that was current with all of its software,
and was still using the 2.4 kernel.  Debian was it, I'm hooked, and I
love it!  I miss Icepack, (the boot CD  is now unreadable) but I think
Debian is it.  I love the package management system much better than
rpm.  As an end-user, non-developer, the Debian Package Management
System was easier to understand that RPM.  I'm using it regularly, now. 
Now as to the "enhanced" libraries that Fedora prepares, they are Big
Brother if they think they are going to control how I run my system. :P

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