On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 02:57:51 -0800 (PST), Ibrahim Mubarak
> Hi,
> I have an AMD 64 [Socket 754] processor. However, I installed Debian Sarge 
> for the x86
> architecture. Is it best to stay like this, or to change to a 64 bit one? As 
> I was told that the
> x86 kernel is optimized for the Hammer processor.

Using an AMD64 in pure 32bit mode is just like driving a 5-speed car
only up to second gear. There's nothing really wrong with that though,
although it's pretty much a waste of capabilities. That goes with
running Athlon64's in pure 32-bit mode.

Do mind though that there are still a few software that has yet to be
ported to native AMD64 and/or has some issues with pure 64bit. Caveat
emptor. But look on the bright side nonetheless - you get more
capacity for memory beyond 4GB without resorting to cheats like PAE,
bigger address space, faster decryption, etc...

> And if I want to change, is it enough to compile a kernel for the 64 bit arch 
> and install it, or
> do I have to install Debian all over again?

No. The AMD64, though having an x86 compatibility mode, has a
different native binary format. That means all things would go 64bit
if you'd rely on native AMD64 binaries. Debian's AMD64 port, though a
pure 64bit port, has an /emul directory wherein you can place 32bit
software that hasn't yet been ported to native AMD64.

Paolo Alexis Falcone

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