Hi all,

I'm running a matrox card with two identical monitors in dual head mode
("merged" in matrox jargon). I end up with a screen of 2560x1024 over the
two displays. It works quite nicely.
I understand that many window managers play well with a xinerama set
up and do the things described in section 9. of the Xinerama HOWTO[1].
The main points are quoted here:

<from: Xinerama HOWTO - Chapter 9>
> * Intelligent placement of windows.
> - Window managers should not place windows in dead areas or across
>   the borders of two heads.
> - New windows should be placed in the current desktop.
> * Maximizing windows should maximize the window to the current head
>   only.
> * Window Movements should have edge resistance between heads (Much
>   like they have resistance to other windows).
> * Dialogs and informative messages should not pop up Between Heads
</from: Xinerama HOWTO - Chapter 9>

I'd like to be able to get similar behaviour with my current setup.

Does anyone know how I could achieve this sort of behavior.
I currently use OpenBox 3 and gnome 2.6. 



1. http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Xinerama-HOWTO/windowmanagers.html

Debian 3.1
Linux twofish 2.6.9-looxt93c2 i686 GNU/Linux

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