On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 02:47:53PM +0200, Radie Erasmus wrote:
> I am using Fedora on my AMD Athlon 64 PC at home,

In that case, you don't need IA-64 (which is for Intel's itanium
architecture, see <http://www.intel.com/design/itanium/family/>), but
the amd64 port instead. That port hasn't been made an official Debian
port yet; however, you can install the unofficial amd64 port which is
located at <http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-amd64>. Of special
interest to you will probably be the FAQ about that project, which also
contains information on how to install; you can find this on

Finally, this list isn't the right place for this type of questions;
[EMAIL PROTECTED] would've been more appropriate (Cc set).

     smog  |   bricks
 AIR  --  mud  -- FIRE
soda water |   tequila
 -- with thanks to fortune

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