
I've just installed Woody from scratch, and am finding that changes to the
File Type handlers section of the Gnome Control Center  (e.g. setting up
jpeg files to be opened up in GIMP by default) don't seem to flow through
to the Gnome file manager.  Any clues as to why?

The file manager seems to recognise the files correctly (i.e. as
image/jpeg), but displays the wrong icon (i.e. not the one I setup in the
Gnome Control Center), and when I double click on the icon, it brings up a
dialog asking me what application I wish to open it with (ie. not
automatically in GIMP)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Paul Phillips
Analyst Programmer, ITAS U/VHF Radios Team, BIS Defence (Adelaide)
Module 7, Endeavour House, Fourth Ave, Technology Park, Mawson Lakes SA
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