On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 15:59, [KS] wrote:
> Hello,
> Now that Firefox is running for me, there are a couple
> of questions that have cropped up with this version.
> 1. Firefox indicates that there are updates pending. -
> After checking, it tells updates are pending for
> Diggler, TrackBack and DOMi. I have the latest version
> of diggler and DOMi from debain.
> 2. Why is the update service indicator enabled in
> Firefox? As updates are to be done via apt, etc with
> an official deb package, the update service indicator
> could as well be disabled. Why would someone want to
> update using "unofficial" stuff when the package is
> official deb package?
> 3. Is it possible to have an update service by debian
> or on u.m.o just for debain? Ah,...forget it, apt-get
> update should be it. .....loop to question 2.

Here is a question that cropped up regarding your email: why is the
subject something about CD-RWs not working? ;o)

For the benefit of folks searching the archives or folks reading through
a bunch of list messages, please start a new thread or at least change
the subject if you diverge from the original topic of a thread.


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