On Wed, 20 Oct 2004, S.D.A. wrote:

> It's not just the CRON module, but pretty much everything is borked. I
> cannot read my Apache logs, fetchmail config, etc.

Ok so this is a much bigger problem.  The Debian packages expect configs
to be in /etc/webmin/<modulename> is that where yours are?

> I noticed when attempting to file a bug report via reportbug, that this
> package has _been orphaned by Debian_.

Yes I orphaned it.  Yet I am assuming the role of a Dickensian uncle to
the orphan for the time being.

> This is not good, I truly wish I'd known this before I trashed my upstream
> working version and switched to the Debian package. I only switched because I
> wasnted to keep everything vanilla Debian.

Overall a good policy.

> I think there should be a warning given when one attempts to install such a
> package, via either apt-get, or aptitude. The warning should mention that the
> package is orphaned, and to use at your own risk.

Actually I believe aptitude does.

> Looks like one should probably use the upstream version, since it's
> probably unlikely that anyone is going to adopt this package,

On the contrary several people have stepped forward to take over
maintainence.  It just hasn't sorted itself out just yet.

> OR are you
> saying that the upstream vesion is borked to?

That remains to be seen.  First we are going to need a lot more
information about your setup.  What upstream version did you have?  What
did you do to transition it to the Debian packages?

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
La Salle Debain - http://www.braincells.com/debian/

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