Hi, I have a open-source-c++-project tntnet, which uses a logging-library log4cplus. I just upgraded one pc from woody to sarge and found out, that there is log4cpp available. First I thought, I can switch, but then found out that log4cpp is a bad decision. It can't read propertyfiles, it might lack support for multithreaded applications (added with development-version 0.3.0) and worse: It is not in active development. The current maintainer Bastiaan Bakker is looking for a new maintainer (http://sourceforge.net/forum/ forum.php?forum_id=349806).
The most active and promising project is log4cxx. I is now part of the logging-project of apache. The latest release 0.9.7 is released 2004-05-10. It is thread safe and it reads propertyfiles as well as xml-configurationfiles. Are there any chances to replace log4cpp with log4cxx in sarge (I think sarge is still work in progress)? Are there any applications, which depends on log4cpp? Can I help port these applications to log4cxx? It would be really great, if we get a standard for logging in c++. Tommi Mäkitalo