On Thursday 30 September 2004 13:33, James Miller wrote:
> Methods?  The method, as I foresee it, involves pecking away at a
> keyboard with my fingers while strange and wonderful characters
> appear on a computer screen before me in response.  I suppose I
> should have to make some gesture in order for these wonders to
> commence: maybe hitting some keys or something, or maybe clicking
> with the mouse.  I have no idea what other methods beyond these there
> could be.  As for apps, as I mentioned my main concern is with
> OpenOffice.  I suppose it might be nice to have this capability in
> Abiword as well, but that's secondary.  I have recently begun using
> the Gnome desktop/wm, I should probably mention.
> I should state that I've already acheived some limited success
> following some ipnut I got from some list members.  For example, I
> came across the command line utility setxkbmap.  Using it, (setxkbmap
> ru) I was able to type Russian characters in OOo.  I'd like a
> different, phonetic keyboard layout, but it seems like this is along
> the right lines.  What I need to find out now is what keyboards I can
> pass to setxkbmap: there should be a list or something somewhere,
> right?.  I'm hoping there's a phonetic Russian one, and a phonetic
> Greek one would be great too.
> Still sort of feeling my way around.

Ok, let me pose the question in a different way. :)
1. which languages do you want to input?
Different languages => different solutions.
2. Do you prefer the traditional xkb method, or a gui solution where you 
can choose multiple language modules and switch between them on the 

Arne GÃtje (éçè) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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