On Wed, Sep 29, 2004 at 09:39:02AM -0400, Jim Lynch wrote:
> I've been completely unable to get sound to work with Debian and any 
> sound card, ever and I've been running Debian for years.  My last 
> attempt was the testing distro and 2.6.8 on a box with the via 82xxx 
> card build into the MB.  I fiinally got it to actually install so the 
> /dev/dsp device was recognized and the alsa mixer must think there is 
> something there because it lets me adjust the gain, but no noise from 
> anything.  Dumping wave files to /dev/dsp or /dev/audio doesn't even 
> work.  I've also installed SUSE 9.1 which is running a 2.6.x kernel and 
> it works fine.  Sounds good.  I compared the modules and as far as I can 
> tell they are the same. 
> Until I installed SUSE, I had pretty much figured sound and Linux 
> weren't gonna happen. 
> Just as an aside, I installed CUPS and I can't print.  It says there 
> isn't anything connected to the port, however during install it went out 
> and found the printer and reported back to me that it was the HP 
> LaserJet 6L so at some point something found a printer connected to the 
> port. 
> Also K3B cant find dvd+rw-format even though it is in the same directory 
> and has the same permissions as growisofs. 
> I know testing isn't perfect, but something strange is going on here.

The only pronter I've been able to get to work with Debian is a networked
HP printer.  CUPS seems to be able to find things on my LAN, given the IP nomber.

My Epson 777 priter is all properly configures, but when I print to it, nothing 
happens except that after a while CUPS thinks it has been printed.

-- hendrik

> Jim.
> -- 
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