On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 09:30:29 -0700, Marc Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've connected a "j-bod" with to an Alpha running the latest stable
> release of Debian linux.  I can mount the filesystems as "ufs" in
> /etc/fstab, but I can't write to them.
> In poking around, it seems as if there is no support for writing to
> UFS filesystems.
> Q1: is it possible to write to UFS filesystems?

You can. Recompile the kernel to enable read/write on UFS. Note that
this is not supported by default though.
> Q2. Can I convert from UFS to ext2/3 without losing data?

I'm not sure if convertfs can handle this. The only safe conversion is
from ext2 to ext3.

Paolo Alexis Falcone

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