On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 12:30:53PM -0700 or thereabouts, Vadim wrote:
> S.D.A. wrote:
> >I've installed the Debian package. When attempting to login via https, I'm
> >presented with the following:
> >
> >"You have received an invalid certificate. Please contact the server
> >administrator blah, blah.
> > 
> >
> You probably reinstalled your webmin, and mozilla (or what ever other 
> browser you have) still have old certificate.  So in your browser go to 
> options,  find Manage Certificates (in Firefox it is under advanced), 
> select websites, and delete current webmin certificated, then restart 
> your browser, and try to connect again

Yep, that was what it was. Didn't even consider it was my browser, thank god there
was another head in the room. ;)


  Wednesday Oct 13 2004 03:58:01 PM EDT
How many chunks could checkchunk check if checkchunk could check chunks?
        -- Alan Cox

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