On Tuesday 12 October 2004 10:58 pm, s. keeling wrote:
> Incoming from Geoff Thurman:
> > I'm running woody on one hd, and have recently installed sarge on
> > another by upgrading everything over the net after installing from
> > my original woody cds. Tonight on the sarge hd, chkrootkit gives
> > about twenty lines of
> >
> > /proc/1544/fd/1 : value too large for defined data type
> The chkrootkit-users mailing list archives are at
> <http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=chkrootkit-users>, and I suggest you
> update to the latest (0.44) and try it first.  Grab the tarball from
> chkrootkit.org, ungzip it, type "make sense", then ./chkrootkit

Thanks for the swift and helpful reply. I've checked the mailing list 
out and downloaded the tarball. I also moved .xsession-errors sideways 
and set it up again as an empty file, to see what was filling it up 
(since it as this file that was triggering the chkrootkit alarms). 
Googling for the incoming error messages I find that they are a known 
problem to do with kde (and qt, if I remember correctly). So I'm not 
worrying anymore; I'll just keep an eye on the file and delete it every 
so often. I'd be interested to hear how many other people using kde on 
sarge have .xsession-errors files larger than 2GB though - especially 
as I only installed sarge a few days ago.

Many thanks for the help,



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