On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 16:17:03 +0200 Erik Jakobsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I have tried to run make xconfig and make menuconfig on my debian sarge > system. > > But I'm receiving errors, and have Googled without any luck.
} From /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README: } } Before you go any further, please allow me to point out that you need to } have a few other packages installed before you can compile your own } kernels } (it is difficult to compile anything without a compiler ;-). } } Firstly, you will need gcc, the libc development package (libc5-dev or } libc6-dev at the time of writing), and, on Intel platforms, bin86. [If } you use the menuconfig target of make, you will need ncursesX.X-dev, } and make xconfig also requires either tkX.X-dev for 2.4.X kernels, or } libqt3-mt-dev and g++ >= 3.0 for the new 2.6 kernel versions, and 2.6.X } kernels also have an additional option, make gconfig, which requires } libglade2-dev, and other packages these depend on] } } The packages suggested are: } devel: gcc, libc5-dev/libc6-dev, binutils, make, and, for intel } x86 platforms, bin86 (non-Intel platforms don't need } this), modutils (or module-init-tools for 2.5.x+ kernels). } interpreters: awk, which is contained in either the mawk or gawk } packages } base: gzip, shellutils, and grep. -- Chris Metzler [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove "snip-me." to email) "As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear
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