Johann Spies wrote:
I am in the process of building a new ftp-server.  The old one used
vsftpd and it performed well.

I have recently become aware of pure-ftpd which seems to have more
features like using an sql-database for user definitions, quotas etc.

Our setup is like this: It is a unversity campus's ftp-server. Most of
the usage comes from anonymous users. There are also some chrooted
users who use the server. At the moment, with vsftpd, I have to
register them as users on the server to be able to use this service.

I would like to have some opinions on the pro's and con's of vsftpd
and pure-ftpd-postgresql please.


If it is a high traffic site, I would say vsftpd. For two reasons: 1) I run it on a server in the lab administer and it is very easy, 2) I know a couple of hackers that run a site called :-) and they seem to think it is pretty hot stuff. From

Site News

May 26, 2004: vsftpd is now serving ftp... We should have done this sooner...

So, depending on your traffic level, an ftpd that accesses database
may or may not be what you want.  There is also proftpd, which is
used by many high traffic sites and gives you the option of single
or multiple password files, sql db, or ldap for authentication.

I can't speak to the advantages or shortcomings of pure-ftpd


-Roberto Sanchez

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