/ Jacob S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| This sounds like a xprt problem. If your printer is setup with cups,
| try printing using the Postscript/default option and see if that looks
| better.

Success! Once. After the first time, each attempt to print with
Postscript/default produces the dialog "You cannot print while in
print preview", which I'm not.

| If it does, you can either stop using xprt (my choice) or edit xprt's
| configuration files in /etc.

How can I "stop using xprt"?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | We measure the excellency of other men,
http://nwalsh.com/            | by some excellency we conceive to be in
                              | ourselves.--John Selden

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