On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 20:47, Justin Guerin wrote:
> On Tuesday 14 September 2004 13:24, Glyn Tebbutt wrote:
> > Hi All
> > I've just recently (about 2weeks ago) setup debian in replacement to
> > gentoo, on my main workstation. The installer was really smooth, so
> > smooth i didn't realise it was done and now i have a fully
> > and setup system. Everything working. But i've got a slight
> > it doesn't stop the computer from functioning its just a pain. To
> > with, i've compiled my own kernel, with the src's from kernel.org
> > just the way i do thing's, added my own patches etc) which works
> > but on boot something is getting called, i've checked the udev
> > and hotplug, which is trying to find forcedeth (my nic) and various
> > other modules. All for my hardware but this is from when i was using
> > which is the default on the install. As i've compiled all these into
> > kernel, it just errors, everything keeps booting, but i'd still like
> > know the config for this calling is. If anyone knows it would be
> > to let me know.
> > Google also hasn't popped anything up
> > Thanks in advance
> Three ideas come to mind.  First, you could get rid of hotplug, but
> probably don't want that.  Second, you could recompile your kernel to
> those into modules, instead of compiled in.  But the best solution 
> (perhaps?) is to edit /etc/modules and remove the offending, no longer
> needed entries.  Then bootup won't attempt to load them.
> Hope that helps,
> Justin Guerin
Thanks very much for the reply. I've checked /etc/modules all i have is
fglrx, which is for my ati card. I can't think where else the problems
can be? i think i might do as you said and recompile the kernel as
modules :)
Thanks again
| Glyn Tebbutt |                [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
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|        Lisa, if you dont like your job you dont strike, |
|         just go in everyday and do it really half-assed | 
|                  Thats the American way. -Homer Simpson |

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