Hi Andrei!

On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Andrei Badea wrote:

> Hello,
> On 14.9.2004 13:22 B. L. Jilek wrote:
> >Hi Andrei!
> >
> >On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Andrei Badea wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Hello Debian fellows,
> >>
> >>I'm using GDM to login into my Gnome session. What is the proper way to 
> >>set some environment variables after I authenticate through GDM, but 
> >>before gnome-session runs? I need this environment during my Gnome 
> >>session, because it contains the locale.
> >
> >The file you should use is ".xsession" in your home directory.  When
> >logging in with GDM choose the "Default System" option.  It will read
> >from this file.  The last line in it should be "exec gnome-session" to
> >start Gnome or "exec kde" to start kde.  This file is what you can use
> >to start the window manager of choice without a Display manager such
> >as GDM.  It will be read by the startx command.
> Thank you for your answer! Nice and simple, and I'll probably stick to 
> it, as it is enough for my needs.
> However, what I like about GDM is that during login I can choose the 
> window manager with a menu. In this case, GDM ignores the ~/.xsession 
> file, so I don't have a chance to setup my environment. So the question 
> (though a little bit academic) is if/how I can setup my environment when 
> using GDM (if possible, without having to set each window manager 
> separately).

I don't know.  Never looked into that.  I just change what WM I want
to use in my .xsession and login again with GDM and the "Default
System Config", or something like that.

I have this in my .xsession.

#   exec wmaker
    exec gnome-session
#   exec kde3

I just uncomment the one I want to use.

"Half a mind is a terrible thing to waste!" --Zippy the Pinhead

 B. L. Jilek 52597432  | Reap the Freedom!  Use Linux!  |  ICQ: 83785391
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |      Check out this site.      |  Yahoo: bljilek
 www.topazcrow.com     |   http://www.againsttcpa.com   |  AOL: brianleejilek

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