Printed offprints are no more available, but the review SIMPLE MODELS FOR COMPLEX NONEQUILIBRIUM FLUIDS Physics Reports 390 (2004) 453-551
is, for a few days, online as pdf (~3 MByte) at Thanks for the request, best regards, Martin _________________ Table of contents 1 Introduction 456 2 FENE dumbbell models in infinitely diluted solution 463 2.1 FENE-PMF dumbbell in infinitely diluted solution 464 2.2 Introducing a mean field potential 465 2.3 Relaxation equation for the tensor of gyration 465 2.4 Symmetry adapted basis 466 2.5 Stress tensor and material functions 469 2.6 Reduced description of kinetic models 471 3 FENE chain in dilute solution including hydrodynamic interactions 471 3.1 Long chain limit, Cholesky decomposition 473 3.2 NEBD simulation details 473 3.3 Universal ratios 474 4 FENE chains in melts 476 4.1 NEMD simulation method 478 4.2 Stress tensor 478 4.3 Lennard-Jones (LJ) units 479 4.4 Flow curve and dynamical crossover 479 4.5 Characteristic lengths and times 479 4.6 Origin ofthe stress-optic rule (SOR) and its failures 482 4.7 Interpretation ofdimensionless simulation numbers 485 5 FENE-CB chains 486 5.1 Conformational statistics of wormlike chains (WLC) 486 5.1.1 Functional integrals for WLCs 487 5.1.2 Properties of WLCs, persistence length, radius ofgyration 488 5.1.3 Scattering functions 488 5.2 FENE-C wormlike micelles 489 5.2.1 Flow-induced orientation and degradation 490 5.2.2 Length distribution 491 5.2.3 FENE-C theory vs simulation, rheology, flow alignment 492 5.3 FENE-B semiflexible chains, actin filaments 493 5.4 FENE-B liquid crystalline polymers 499 5.4.1 Static structure factor 503 5.5 FENE-CB transient semi&exible networks, ring formation 505 6 Primitive paths 508 6.1 Doi–Edwards tube model and its improvements 509 6.2 Re2ned tube model with anisotropic flow-induced tube renewal 511 6.2.1 Linear viscoelasticity ofmelts and concentrated solutions 512 6.3 Nonlinear viscoelasticity, particular closure 513 6.3.1 Example: refined tube model, stationary shear &ow 514 6.3.2 Example: transient viscosities for rigid polymers 514 6.3.3 Example: Doi–Edwards model as a special case 515 6 4 Nonlinear viscoelasticity without closure, Galerkin’s principle 516 7 Elongated particles 519 7.1 Director theory 520 7.2 Structural theories ofsuspensions 520 7.2.1 Semi-dilute suspensions of elongated particles 522 7.2.2 Concentrated suspensions of rod-like polymers 522 7.3 Uniaxial fluids, micro-macro correspondence 522 7.3.1 Application: concentrated suspensions ofdisks, spheres, rods 523 7.3.2 Example: tumbling 524 7.3.3 Example: Miesowicz viscosities 524 7.4 Uniaxial &uids: decoupling approximations 526 7.4.1 Decoupling with correct tensorial symmetry 527 7.5 Ferro&uids: dynamics and rheology 528 7.6 Liquid crystals: periodic and irregular dynamics 531 7.6.1 Landau–de Gennes potential 531 7.6.2 In-plane and out-of-plane states 531 8 Connection between different levels of description 533 8.1 Boltzmann equation 533 8.2 Generalized Poisson structures 534 8.3 GENERIC equations 534 8.4 Dissipative particles 535 8.5 Langevin and Fokker–Planck equation, Brownian dynamics 536 8.6 Projection operator methods 536 8.7 Stress tensors: Giesekus–Kramers–GENERIC 538 8.8 Coarse-graining: from atomistic chains to the primitive path 540 9 Concluding remarks 542 References 543 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]