On Mon, Sep 13, 2004 at 09:55:14PM -0500, Barry Skidmore wrote:
> I have had Debian (woody) running on this Mac SE/30 for
> some time now, and decided to try establishing a small
> web site using Apache.
> The site is now up: http://www.macconnection.net
> The purpose of the site is just to provide some
> information and links to documentation and files
> involved in installing Debian on a Mac SE/30.
> I would appreciate any comments/suggestions you might
> have.
> Thanks,
> Barry
Hi Barry,
I must tip my hat to you for getting this up and running!
My first Mac I used was a 'fat' mac. It is impressive to take such an
ancient piece of hardware and give such a nobel purpose.
I hope you have details on the install and some pix!

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