On Mon, 2004-09-13 at 00:18 -0700, Daniel M. wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I successfully compiled and instaled rekall 2.2.1 on Debian unstable (rekall is
> a database front-end, similar to Microsoft's Access, see 
> http://www.rekallrevealed.org/), but the program is virtually unusable, since
> it crashes with a segfault every couple of minutes when you try to do even
> a simple things. For example: if MDI style is used, connect to a database
> (I used postgresql) with some already defined tables, display data from one
> of those tables, maximize the child window containing data from that table
> and then press 'Ctrl+F4' to close child window. Result: rekall crashes with
> a segfault.
> I think that there is some incompatibility between rekall and Debian's
> packages which causes those problems, because there are no reports
> of similar issues in rekall's mailing list, and as the program's packages
> exist for at least 2 distributions (Suse & Mandrake), it probably means
> that there are none (unless, of course, if nobody uses it, which I doubt).
> Does somebody have an experience with using that program and knows
> how segfault problems can be solved?
> Daniel.

A month ago, I found a .deb for Rekall, version 2.2.0-beta4-2.
I can't seem to find the package again, but the maintainer listed
through apt-cache show is:
Maintainer: Edgar Jasper < develop at edgar dot org dot uk >

I can't say much about the program because I haven't used it
extensively.  Hopefully the email address will help.

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