On Tuesday September  7 at 12:35pm
Clement <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > And how can we give ISMail the imap capability required?
> As a remarks, I believe php4-imap is for apache_1.3.x.   The only php4
> for apache2 is libapache2-mod-php4.

If you think about it, PHP and Apache are in no way interrelated, except
for libapache2-mod-php4 and (I would presume) libapache-mod-php4 which
(I would presume) gives the same for Apache 1.3.x. These libraries
provide the interface between PHP and Apache, php4-imap is an extension
for PHP, and should not depend on Apache in any way.

So, I think you should install php4-imap. It certainly can't hurt.
-johann koenig
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