Sometime in September John Harrold assaulted the keyboard and produced:

| I have a delima. My root partition is about 24Gb and it's full. The
| problem is that I cannot figure out what is taking up the space. If I
| goto '/' and run 'du -x' it says that about 500Mb are being used. This is
| about what I would expect. Now If I run 'df' it says the partition is
| 100% full. Is there any way to check for unlinked files which are taking
| up space or something like that? I'm quite baffled here. This computer is
| running sarge.

Thanks for the suggestions, I especially like the thought on many small
files. In case anyone had any similar problems, this was mine:

I was mounting somethin on /export/data and running a nightly rsync from
computer A to computer B. The problem above was on comuter B. One night I
ran rsync with /export/data unmounted on B. When I noticed the error
/export/data was mounted so du would not traverse into that directory
(since that appeared to be a different file system), and just ignored any
data in that directory. I rewrote my backup scripts to make sure that the
partition was mounted before performing the rsync ;).

                            | /"\                         
 john harrold               | \ / ASCII ribbon campaign   
 jmh at      |  X  against HTML mail       
 the most useful idiot      | / \                         
 What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, 
 and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is brought 
 under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of 
 liberty and democracy?
  gpg --keyserver --recv-key F65A739E

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