On Monday 06 September 2004 02:34 am, David Goodenough wrote:
> Try opening a Konsole and starting it manually, i.e. issue the java -jar
> ... command by hand.  That way you get to see the error messages and if
> they do not point you at the problem they might help us help you.
> David
> On Monday 06 September 2004 09:42, Mike Chandler wrote:
> > Well, I tried the suggestion; but I must not be doing something right.
> > Here's what I did;
> > 1. went onto the dir where JBidWatcher- is located, (which
> > is  /home/mike/programs)
> > 2. rightclicked and did 'create new file > text file', and called it
> > jbidwatcher.sh
> > 3. made  jbidwatcher.sh executable
> > 4. Opened  jbidwatcher.sh with an editor and put in the sample script you
> > gave me, (editing for actual path.) Like this:
> >
> > #!/bin/bash
> > cd /home/mike/programs/
> > java -jar JBidWatcher-
> >
> > 5. on desktop, rightclicked and did 'create new file > link to
> > application' 6. made it executable
> > 7. rightclick on the new icon, click properties tab, typed in the command
> > field: /home/mike/programs/jbidwatcher.sh
> >
> > Now I click on that desktop icon I just made, and nothing opens, but the
> > little hourglass timer flashes for 10-15 seconds then stops.
> >
> > Probably simple, but obviously beyond me. Please, what did I do or not
> > do? Thanks.

First off I see that when I entered the command in the desktop icon, I forgot 
to use ./ before the name of the shell script.

before: /home/mike/programs/jbidwatcher.sh
after:   /home/mike/programs/./jbidwatcher.sh

Now I fixed that, so when I click the icon at least something tries to happen, 
then I get this error:
Session "Shell" exited with status 127.

Seems I'm getting closer?

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