Alvin Oga wrote:
whacky :-) but than again .. guess that's okay for an empty /etc/raidtabI'd disagree. With an empty raidtab nothing should be configured. I'd like to know where this config came from... :|
I'd like to start w/ a clean slate, ie no md devices and then go from their.. Haven't been able to do that.The thing is I have yet to create any md devices and my
/etc/raidtab <-which raidtools doesn't use - but I checked anyway
/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf files are empty..
put real data into /etc/raidtab
- move /etc/raidtab aside to /etc/ to tell the box don't try raid on bootup
- other places that try to do raid during bootup ...( all over the place )
grep raid /etc/*
/etc/default/raid2 is one place - but that just offers false/true values
- remove raidtools and mdadm if you dont want to bother configuring sw
Let me specify by saying I have mdadm and raidtools2 package.
Does anyone have any idea how to erase/remove these md devices? I'd look in /etc/raidtab or mdadm.conf - but those are both empty..
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