On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 02:44:21PM -0800, Leo Spalteholz wrote:
> On November 7, 2002 13:04, Bob Proulx wrote:
> > Joe Riel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-07 10:10:48 -0800]:
> > > I have installed a basic X system (Woody stable).
> > > When the system boots, the gui login window comes up.
> >
> > Which gui?  xdm, kdm, or gdm, or other?
> >
> > > When the window manager (twm) is shutdown,
> > > the screen goes black and the login window does not reappear.
> >
> > Ouch.  Something is certainly wrong.
> I had the same problems.  I think it was actually a kde 2.2 thing for 
> me.  Every so often the screen would just go black on logout and I 
> would have to kill X.  Upgrading to KDE 3.x solved the problem.
> Also I've never gotten xdm to work.  If it starts automatically I cant 
> log in.  I enter the correct username and password but it just 
> doesn't start my window manager and stays at the password screen.  
> kdm works just fine.  This was the same on both my machines, XP 1600+ 
> and Celery 333.
My XDM (Sarge or Woody) froze the system many times and I had to press
real reset button.  Good thing I have EXT3.  After upgrading to unstable
with new bug-free BASH, I am happy.)  Well I have apropos segfaults but
it is OK :-)  I have X4.2 too.

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